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Ken and Robin Chestek

Core Legal

First Christian Church

Hughes Charitable Foundation

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Charles Ksir

John and Jenna Scozzafava

Seek Yoga Studio

Courtney Smith Sheyko

Snowy Range Evangelical Free Church

Rimvyda Valiukenas

James Zoller


Brenda Cannon

Deviant Piercings

Anne Gardner

Nyoka Erikson

Treasure McPherson

St. Paul's Newman Center

St. Paul's United Church of Christ

Sisters on the Fly

Whitewater Christian Church

Zimmerman Family Foundation



Albany County Homemakers

Albany County Public Library


Aaron Appelhans

Julio Brionez

Gary's Plumbing and Heating

Ann D Gilliam

Sarah Gorin and Bern Hinckley

Matt Gray

Connie and Frank Hedley

High Point CPAs

Barbara and H. Christian Jensen III

Kiwanis Club of Laramie

Laramie Telephone Exchange

Max Machalek

Jon and Ginnie Madsen

Ali Miller

Newman Council of Catholic Women

Janet and Tom Rottman

Lorraine Saulino-Klein

Jerry and Jeanetta Schmidt

Tabatha Spencer 

Casey Morris Wadsack


Molly Adami

Hannah Adams

Kendra Ahrenholtz
June and Kent Allen

Amber Anderson
Karen and Lonn Andrews
Alpine Tennis Association
Altitude Ice
Shantel Anderson
Andrea Azzalina

Meagan Barnes

Tracy Baumann

Savanna Bayless
Jeff and Debra Bishop

Melissa Blanco
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
Nichol and Brent Bondurant
Jessica Brauer

Brian Browne
Gwen Bustos
Erin Campbell

Megan Candelaria

Chris Cannon

Timothy Carlson
Colby Chisholm
Barbara Christensen

Jessi Colehour

Celeste Collingwood

Jeanne Core

Kaitlyn Core

Sean Coyle
Bailey Cranford

Mandy D.

Troy Davis

Allory and Dawn Deiss

Elaine and Leo den Hoed
Reilly Dibner

Chaley Dimoff
Molly Dow

Karen Drew

Ariane Eicke
Megan Elledge

Becky Farley

Angie Fessler

Austin Finke
First United Methodist Church

Sarah Froehlich

Fred and Simone Furtado
Rebecca Garcia
Amy Haefner

Renee Haefner

Brian and Katrina Harnisch

Andrea Harrington
Megan L Hayes, Attorney at Law
Carolyn and Larry Hazlett
Rhonda Henkel

Marcella Hernandez

Riley Hoogerwerf

Sagan Hunsaker

Jane Ifland

Morgan Jaquez
Hashi Jayasinghe
Dean Johnson
Nicole Kaminski  
Paul Kehrer and Esther Gilman-Kehrer
David Keto

Dilnoza Khasilova
Kathie Kirkaldie

Jaclyn Klinginsmith

Andrew and Kate Kniss

Eric Krszjzaniek
Laramie Connections Center
Laramie Lodge #390,

   Loyal Order of Moose
Laramie Travel Center / Debra Olson
Danna Lawson
Jason and Linda Lillegraven

Lindsey Lindly

Kim Lockhart

Darcy Loseke

Kassandra Lundblad

Katie Luukkonen
Cathryn Marsh
Sharon Martinson
Arlene Mascarenas

Stephanie McCarrel

Jeffrey Mckinney

Holly Morgan
Ethan Morrison

Dystaney Nordberg

Kelsey Nordsiden

Zayne Nounawon

Erin O'Doherty

Stephanie E Ogando

Ryan O'Neil

Carol and Jack Oppie

Carly Oskroba
Nancy and Mark Pajak

Sylvia Parker
Anetra Parks

Jasmine Parten

Delilah Pasman

Deborah Peck

Natalie Poole

Max Prevost 
Rose Quinn

Dan Radosevich

Sadie Randeau

Michael Ravagnani  

Genevieve Reilly

Martha Reisch

Bethany Reitor

Tara Righetti

Annie Robbins

Ian Roberts

Barbara Rouse

Erin Rumsey

Charlen Runner
Joan Ryan
Christopher Rynders
Linda Schnitker

Nicole Scott

Alicia and Koby Selfridge

Shannon and William Shain

Diana Shelton

Reshmi Singh

Elizabeth Smith

Johanna Smith

Katy Storch

Kallie Swanbom

Kimmie Takaki

Sara Teter

Mary and Peter Thorsness

Libby Thorson

Anna Terfehr

Michelle Timmer

United Methodist Women,

   Methodist Church

Danielle Vialpando

Dainius Valiukenas

Mary Lou and David Vaske

VDR Foreign Auto Repair

Bob Vines

Allison Wagg

Pamela and Billy Wiggam

John Wilhelm

Elizabeth Ann Williams

Tracy Williams

Betty Wills

Dani Wolf

Marcia Wolter Britton

Bess Woodhouse
Keileigh Yeend

& several anonymous donors

Bloedorn Lumber

Bond's Brewing Company

Core Legal

Daylight Donuts

Hits 106

The Human Bean

Ivinson Memorial Hospital

Laramie Elks Lodge


Toyota of Laramie

Trihydro Corp.

Turner Contracting

UW Dean of Students Office





Allison R. Wagg Artwork

Blue Mountain Bookstore

Bond's Brewing Company

Born in a Barn

Brent Bondurant, Chiropractor

Butcher Block

Chalk N' Cheese

Ken Chestek

Cooper Hawk Studio

The Curiosity Shoppe

Anne DePrince

Cassie Dow


Grease Monkey

The Great Untamed

Brian and Katrina Harnisch

Hudson Turning

Laramie's Basecamp

John Nutter and Suzanne Lewis


Seek Yoga Studio

Studio City / WyoMovies

Studio Thrive

Sweet Pickles

UniWyo Credit Union

UW Alumni Association

Works of Wyoming

We are so gratefulto be part of such asupportive, generouscommunity!

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