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Boys will be Boys: A New Generation of Young Men Supporting Survivors

Don Babbitt, 2019

Don utilized his skills and resources to create change in the lives of SAFE Project clients seeking stability and safety. As a skilled mechanic and WyoTech instructor, Don created a program in which WyoTech students provided mechanic services to SAFE Project clients. In the past, faulty brakes or alignment issues created hours and hours of hardship for SAFE Project clients. Don addressed that need by helping SAFE Project clients fix their vehicles quickly and efficiently all while engaging a new generation of young men in the work to end gender-based violence.


"I have to say how humbling this experience has been and eye opening to hear some of the story’s of victims and the pain and discourage they deal with every day. This experience has made me want to do my part to help out where I can in the community."



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